
Is there a better breakfast than hot fresh baguettes straight from the oven? (Well, probably, ‘yes’… but these are fantastic, especially when eaten with homemade marmalade).

The baguettes start with one quantity of sourdough (to make sourdough see sourdough bread). Leave it overnight and then turn the dough out onto a floured surface.

Knock it back and give it a gentle kneed.

One quantity of dough (about 1kg) will make 5 baguettes. Of course, you could make less and a small loaf. For five, split the dough into five pieces (each one will be about 200g).

Now, in turn, kneed each piece into a small loaf shape and roll out to about 35cm long. Keep the outside of the roll well floured; this will help to stop the dough sticking to your hands.

You will now have five baguettes all about 35cm long.

To bake the baguettes, I have a ‘baguette tray’ which works really well but it is not really needed; they will bake fine placed on a baking tray. Today I used both my special tray and a baking tray so you will see the difference. Whatever you use, make sure it is well floured.

Place the dough onto the baking trays and give them a good dusting of flour.

They now need time to rise. I put them in my turned-off oven with a tray of very hot water underneath (the water keeps the oven warm and keeps the humidity high). After about one hour they will have risen.

You can see that the ones on the baking try have spread-out more than the ones in the baguette trays. This is fine… they will still look good and taste delicious.

Another dusting of flour and, using a sharp knife, slash the tops. I like a long straight cut but you can make any pattern – some people favour many diagonal cuts across the baguette.

These will need about 20 to 25 minutes in the oven at 200C (note I leave the water in the oven to help form a good crust). Slide them off the baking tray and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Serve for breakfast or as a crusty lunch companion to parsnip and lentil soup.


7 thoughts on “Baguettes

  1. Thank you for your site A week ago I started a ‘ starter’.
    This is what it looks like Day 7
    See attachment

    I wonder if my kitchen hasn’t been warm enough!

    Thanks in advance.

    I’m happy to have another go

    Lynn ( friend of Lois , live in Porthscatho)

    • Hi Lynn
      I think it may be OK. It looks like the starter has risen up the sides of the jar.
      I suggest feeding it (same weight of water and flour) in the morning and keep an eye on it during the day. After 2 or 3 hours you should see it rising up the jar (note: if you leave it overnight, it recedes back to its original level). As long as it does rise up after giving it fresh flour and water… then all is well. Also, it is worth checking the consistency (see:

      Good luck


      • Thank you David I’ve only just see the reply! Me and technology are not very good! I’m learning !
        However I have since been quite successful and am enjoying the sourdough.
        Thank you.

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