
As a family, we are mostly vegetarian. I will eat pretty much anything, the boys eat meat at school and Rose occasionally eats fish (and calls herself a pescatarian). Most of our meals at home are vegetarian and those that aren’t only incorporate fish. Last night we decided it was time for a ‘fish-fix’ and opted for fishcakes.

This is Rose’s recipe and Rose cooked them; I am simply reporting on them – so all credit should go to her (they were delicious).


  • Mashed potato (made with 1kg of potatoes and 50g of butter)
  • 250g of haddock fillets (we use frozen – but defrosted in time to make the fishcakes)
  • A knob or two of butter
  • 1/4 of a white cabbage – chopped into small pieces
  • Spring onions (or chives) – chopped
  • Thyme (or other herbs)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Juice of half a lemon (this is optional; but we like the zing)
  • Flour, egg and breadcrumbs (optional)
  • A little vegetable oil

Boil, mash and butter the potatoes and leave too cool. While this is cooling, fry the haddock fillets in butter for about 6 minutes on each side.

Remove the fillets and set aside – keeping all the cooking juices and melted butter in the pan. Add the cabbage to the pan (with a little more butter) and fry for a few minutes until softened.

Add the spring onions (or chives) and the herbs. Cook for a further minute.

It is now time to assemble the fishcake mixture. Flake the fish into the mashed potato.

And add the cabbage, spring onions and herbs.

Along with the lemon juice and some salt and pepper and stir them all together.

Shape them into cakes. As there are four of us, we shaped them into 8 cakes (2 each).

At this point, you could shallow fry them (in oil) or, if you are feeling ‘fancy’ then you could cover them in flour, dip them in egg and finally roll them in breadcrumbs (preferably sourdough).

Shallow fry them in a little vegetable oil for about 6 or 7 minutes per side.

And serve. Delicious with rocket (from the garden) and some mayonnaise and chilli sauce.


2 thoughts on “Fishcakes

  1. Oh yum! I love fish cakes and how unusual to add cabbage. Can I just say I am enjoying looking at your recipes very much. Do you still make crunchy courgette flan, coz I do!!

    • Hi Joani
      I am so pleased that you are enjoying the recipes. I don’t think I have ever made your crunchy courgette flan… But, I remember it fondly. Perhaps if you send me the recipe, I could make it here and then add it to the blog (with credit to you, of course)?

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