Roast tomato sauce

We have had fantastic fresh produce from our garden all summer and the tomatoes from the greenhouse are coming to an end. Time to up-root them and replace them with something new. However, this left us with quite a few tomatoes… time to roast them with home-grown garlic and basil for a wonderfully rich tomato sauce – perfect with spaghetti.


  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Basil leaves
  • Vegetable oil

Start by slicing the tomatoes in half and place in the bottom of a casserole pan. Add a few lightly crushed cloves of garlic, a sprinkling of salt, a few basil leaves and a drizzle of vegetable oil.

Continue to add layers of all the ingredients:

Place in a medium oven (about 160C) and roast for about one and a half hours – gently stirring every 30 minutes or so.

The tomatoes and garlic will now be soft and ready to be blended. I used a stick blender:

The sauce is now ready to use – however, it is very concentrated. Boil up some pasta (I used spaghetti) and use some of the pasta water to thin down your sauce and then serve.


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