There are those evenings when all you want is fast-food. This rice stir-fry is our family ‘go-to’ when we are not in the mood to make a complicated dinner. It is ready in minutes. The quantities are very variable; these ones below are for four people.
- 250g of rice (we use basmati but other types will work)
- A tablespoon of oils (I use a mixture of vegetable and sesame oil)
- A clove of garlic (chopped)
- 2cm ginger (peeled and chopped)
- Some vegetables (chopped)
- A tablespoon of soy sauce
- Fried eggs
- Chopped chives to go on top
Start by weighing out and cooking the rice (if this is a mystery to you, read the instructions on the packet); make sure you don’t over-cook the rice. This can be done in advance and the cooked rice left to cool until you are ready to add it to the dish. Once the rice is cooked, start by heating the oils in a large frying pan and add the garlic and ginger (note: in the photograph there is only garlic – the supermarket didn’t have any ginger).

Fry the ginger and garlic for about 2 minutes and then add your vegetables in the order of how long they will take to cook…

We start with spring onions, then carrots and finally the spinach (note all of these – including the garlic – came from our garden… if only we had ginger growing).
Keep these a little ‘crunchy’ and add the cooked rice along with the soy sauce (one tablespoon should be sufficient but do add more if you like – I sometimes add a little extra when serving).

Keep the heat on and stir it all together – this will mix it up and heat the rice. While all this is going on, in a separate, pan fry the eggs (one per person)… Time to serve.

Serve on a plate with a fried egg on top, a sprinkling of chives and, perhaps, a little chilli sauce on the side – yum.